Alex from Target
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Intervju med Sydsvenskan
Ett tidens tecken hon tog upp, var autografen. Rättare sagt - frånvaron av autografer.
"Den enda souvenir kidsen vill ha numera är en selfie", menade Taylor Swift.
Det var intressant. Var autografen, sedan länge en klassisk ingrediens i artist-fan-relationen - rentav död?
Sedan iphonen med omvänd kamera lanserades har jag inte blivit ombedd att skriva en enda autograf, slog Taylor Swift fast.
Och, fortsatte sångerskan:
I framtiden kommer artister att få skivkontrakt för att de har fans, inte tvärtom som tidigare.
Det finns förstås ingen statistik på att autografer slutat vara relevanta för dagens fans. För många yngre artister har de små namnteckningarna aldrig haft någon större betydelse. Deras publik har inte efterfrågat dem och de själva har aldrig behövt ägna sig åt det traditionsenliga grovjobbet i stjärnbranschen: signera tusentals pressbilder och skicka ut till autografsamlare.
Bland artister med en särskilt ung publik finns det numera gott om exempel på hur karriärer startat genom sociala medier, för att sedan ta fart i mer konventionella kanaler.
Pojkidolen Justin Bieber är kanske det bästa exemplet på global, allomfattande digital närvaro.
- Justin lägger ju ut bilder varje dag. På Twitter, på Instagram. Han tar bilder på sig själv, på vad han jobbar med. Och med Justin Bieber var det ju så att han blev upptäckt på Youtube, berättar 19-åriga Jessica Löfström, som driver Justin Drew Bieber Swe, en av Sveriges största bloggar om artisten.
Justin Bieber har 54 miljoner följare på Twitter. Det har gjort det till en stor händelse i en beliebers liv om idolen bestämmer sig för att följa henne tillbaka.
Om man retweetar mycket och skriver jättemycket om honom, så kan det hända att han följer en tillbaka på Twitter. Jag vet att han följer vissa fans, säger Jessica Löfström.
Men egna bilder? En egen bild på henne själv och Justin? Nej, någon sådan har hon inte.
- När han var i Sverige här stod vi och väntade utanför Grand Hotel i Stockholm. Han sprang förbi, det tog några sekunder. Så bilderna blev kanske inte så bra. Inga närbilder direkt.
Cody Simpson intervju med Western TV
Cody Simpson blev nyligen intervjuad av Western TV, där pratar han om samarbetet med Justin, han säger att Justin ringde honom och sa att han gärna ville göra musik tillsammans med Cody. Han sjunger även en bit av Justins & Codys nya låt! Någon annan som är spänd på att höra resten av låtarna?
Isac Elliot om Justin Bieber
Alanis Morissette om Justin
Cody Simpson om hans och Justin Bieber's nya musik
Intervju med Dan Kanter
Hannah: You’re Justin Bieber’s guitarist and that’s really big! How did you really end up with that?
Dan: Thanks, it’s really exciting. A lot of it was luck but, I’ve been musical directing and playing guitar for pop artists for a long time. In Canada for a long time I was helping kids just like we do on the Next Star, becoming better performers, writing setlists, learning how to sing properly and so at the time Justin needed somebody and fortunately I was recommended to him and that was about five years ago.
Hannah: Now you’re probably the best of buddies
Dan: Yes, he is like my little brother – that’s for sure.
Hannah: Little brothers do pranks and I know that you guys play pranks on each other quite a bit. I really like a good prank, so Justin once went on your twitter account and posted that you were going out of the band. Did you ever get revenge? Because, you did promise that you would.
Dan: Yeah, Justin is quite the prankster. He broke into Twitter and announced that I had quit and he’ll never forgive me for what I did and five minutes after that happened TMZ called his manager asking for the exclusive scoop on what I did to quit, which is hilarious. But, I haven’t really got him back one-on-one. We’ve done a couple pranks on him, we have a song called ‘One Less Lonely Girl’ where Justin brings up a girl on stage and he gives her flowers and on the last tour he gave her a crown and she’s his queen and so one show we found our most overweight, sweatiest crew guy and brought him out on stage and he sat in the chair and Justin had to give him flowers and serenade him and he wasn’t very happy. (laughs)
Hannah: Well, do you think that he’ll get you back for that?
Dan: I mean, he pranks me all the time. All the time. So I have no doubt that there will be more pranks coming, I always seem to be the butt of his pranks.
Hannah: Right. So, it’s not really ‘revenge’.
Dan: It’s hard to prank him because often he’s on stage in front of eighty thousand people and we really don’t want to ruin the show for the audience. So, it’s easy for him to prank us – we just can’t really get him back.
Hannah: That’s true! I know that you’re more than Justin Bieber’s guitarist. You’re also the co-writer of “Be Alright” and I think that song really stands out to me, it’s one of my favorite songs. It’s really smooth and it’s soft, tell me about process of writing that.
Dan: “Be Alright” is a very special song to both of us. We wrote it in Bali, when we were sitting on the beach. So we were just sitting around with an acoustic guitar so that’s probably why it’s so smooth – thanks – and you know, it’s sort of relaxed and chill. It’s a special song because it’s one of the first times – you know Justin and I very close and we talk a lot about personal things that are going on in our lives, but that was the first time we not just talked about it, but we wrote about it and we were both in long distance relationships. We wrote a song about it and it means a lot to both of us and I think the fans really like it because it’s sort of insight into really what he’s feeling. It’s not so much just a dance pop song, it’s a really personal song.
Hannah: So, between you and me, can you tell me something about Justin that I would not know in a Tiger Beat magazine.
Dan: Yeah, that’s a tough question – what would I tell you? I’d probably tell you that not a lot of people know that Justin is a great cook. Even though you would think ‘oh, Justin Bieber – he could have people who cook for him’. He actually prefers to cook and he’s a great cook. He makes food all the time, it was really fun on the last tour, we were really tired of staying in Hotels so we would try to rent houses in different places and different cities and we’d always find a house with a great kitchen and he’d always be in there cooking up a storm. (laughs)
Trey Songz om Justin
Intervju med Justin från 2014 Young Hollywood Awards
"I’m not worried about what the media has to say"
Saker Justin gör i studion - Madison Beer
Madison Beer om Justin
Ed Sheeran om Justin
"Justin Bieber har ett hjärta för barn" - Kenny Hamilton
Austin Mahone pratar kort om samarbetet med Justin
Chantel Jeffries om Justin
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