Category: News! | 2017-07-12 | 11:44:30

Purpose tatuering

Bilden och texten nedan delade ett fan via bkstg. Väldigt fin mening bakom tatueringen tycker jag, jag hoppas att Justin ser förklaringen och förstår hur mycket hans musik kan påverka oss som lyssnar.
#TattooTuesday: "In April of 2016, I got this. When I first heard Purpose, it really connected to me. The meaning of the song really touched me in ways songs had not before. The way he poured his heart out into Purpose was wonderfully put. Hearing Justin's meaning to the song opened my eyes, talking about his relationship with God reminded me of my relationship with God, how he's ALWAYS going to be by your side through all the rough and good times. I got #Purpose tattooed to remind me of that, to show myself I'm on this earth for a reason. I got the birds to symbolize me, as at my lowest and darkest points. I can still fly up and find the light. It's breathtaking to think how an artist and their music can connect with you on such a personal level and I'd love to thank you @justinbieber for sharing your feelings and motives. I truly do appreciate you and everything you've done." - @onejustin

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