Category: Artiklar/Tidningar | 2015-03-01 | 18:09:14
Idag är en stor dag för världens alla Beliebers. Twitter har och andra sociala medier har i princip bara handlat om Justin idag. Hashtags som #21ReasonsWhyWeLoveJustin, #HappyBirthdayJustinBieber och #FetusJustinSpamBefore21 har trendat över hela världen idag.
Justinbieberzone har därför sammanställt en lista #21ReasonsWhyWeLoveJustin, här kommer den:
1. He's crazy talented and has an amazing voice.
2. He's like really, really good-looking. He's so pretty it hurts.
3. He is a fashion icon.
4. Think of all the hairstyles he can pull off! Blond! Brown! Somewhere in between! Bangs! Combover! Wow!
5. He's humble even when he's filthy rich.
6. He does a lot of charity work. Not just since he's become a changed man last month. Since the beginning of the Biebs, he's actively participated in charities.
7. He's the most famous kid in the world.
8. He is an inspiration. He taught us to never give up on our dreams.
9. He can shake that booty.
10. Unlike most celebrities, Justin started from nothing. He achieved great success without having rich parents.
11. He knows he has made mistakes and he owns up to them.
12. He love kids.
13. He got that swag and super confidence!
14. He's a prankster!
15. His tattoos.
16. He's well-endowed guy!
17. He's adorable with his younger siblings: Jazzy & Jaxon.
18. His friendship with Ellen is so important. Look how happy they are together!
19. He loves his fans - Beliebers.
20. He's funny, silly & goofy - in a wierd, crazy way.
21. You can have a drink with him - he's now legal.