Category: Vine | 2013-12-21 | 13:04:00
Milk Tyson via Instagram
EDIT: Justin lade INTE ut detta på Vine, utan @milktyson lade ut det på Instagram. Kontot som lagt ut det är troligtvis ett fake-konto, då det finns ett verifierat konto på vine som heter @justinbieber, som troligtvis är hans riktiga.
Justin lade ut denna videon på Vine för att stötta Miley och hennes familj.
@MilkTyson skrev även detta: @milktyson: When I first started the quest to find a premiere date I didn’t know what I was getting involved in. We received so many stories and I promise we read through all of them and took them serious. One story that I just sat down @justinbieber about touched him so much he wanted me to send this video on behalf. Like the Philippines thing him and I started and like the premiere date our new goal in 2014 is to turn the haters into beliebers and focus on CHANGING LIVES! Watch the video then let’s trend #JustinMeetMiley !!! #FAM
Justin lade ut denna videon på Vine för att stötta Miley och hennes familj.
@MilkTyson skrev även detta: @milktyson: When I first started the quest to find a premiere date I didn’t know what I was getting involved in. We received so many stories and I promise we read through all of them and took them serious. One story that I just sat down @justinbieber about touched him so much he wanted me to send this video on behalf. Like the Philippines thing him and I started and like the premiere date our new goal in 2014 is to turn the haters into beliebers and focus on CHANGING LIVES! Watch the video then let’s trend #JustinMeetMiley !!! #FAM
Postat av: Anonym
Heter han @justinbieber på vine? Isåfall, vilken profilbild har han för kag hittar inte videon
Postat av: Anonym
miley cyrus??? varför vad e det som har hänt med henne o hennes familj??
Postat av: Anonym
Den där videon är verkligen fake!!!