Category: Believe Tour 2012/2013 | 2012-09-20 | 12:10:00

Justin med dansaren Shaun Varisto

Next week I’ll be performing with the biggest artist, on the biggest stage, helping bring one of the biggest concepts to life while getting down with the homies. representing myself and my Fam bam to the world…I’m ready!! #believetour #JB #mL #letsgo 
Justin med en dansare/koreograf Shaun Varisto.
@shaunevaristo: "Next week I’ll be performing with the biggest artist, on the biggest stage, helping bring one of the biggest concepts to life while getting down with the homies. representing myself and my Fam bam to the world…I’m ready!! #believetour #JB #mL #letsgo"

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