Category: | 2010-06-16 | 01:51:59

justin twittrade precis detta

vad tror ni han menar med denna tweet ? :

jag tror han menar kim kardashian. att vi ska vara snällare mot henne. vi fans från sverige har ju inte sagt något(vilket är bra ,och det ska vi inte göra heller) men dem från andra länder har ju typ dödshotat henne :s. lite överdrivet tycker vi.
Postat av: liza

sv: tack för era frågor! :D

vi kommer svara på dem på söndag! (: <33

2010-06-16 @ 04:46:01
Postat av: Anonym

jag vill bara säga att jag tror ni har missat ett twitter inlägg eller vad det heter som caitilin skrev som jag såg för inte så längesen det har med justin och göra men ni tog inte upp det på bloggen inte dom andra justinbieberbloggarna heller men jag skriver in tipset här.. här är det hon skrev

On Thursday 6th May 2010, @godsgirl8494 said:


Everyone pls STOP asking my friends for information about my personal life. I actually don't tell my friends all the details about me or justin. Although, some would like to think they know more than they honestly do. I'm just a simple girl who would love nothing more than to be known as me ... Caitlin Beadles. Not Caitlin Beadles Justin's ex or Justin's best (girl) friend. Please understand I love all of you who support me but messaging my friends to get info is not cool. The truth is no on knows the whole story because I am a private person. That is one of the qualities Justin likes about me as a friend. He can always trust me to have his back and never worry about me sharing his personal life with anyone else. Before of after his fame! Just keep reading the magazines and it will keep you updated with what he wants his fans to know about him. I will always protect Justin, but I don't know the intentions of the people u are talking to. I realize now that some people who say they are my friend are just using me to get to Justin and to make friends with all of you. I am thankful for being able to express my love for God and share my testimony and my accident had so many of you praying for me. For that I am forever grateful and I know God is going to bless each of you. If I can bring one person closer to God then I am doing something amazing for God. If fame comes from dating or knowing Justin then it will only be God's Will. I never expected the life I have and most of you think it's so perfect, because of Justin. You have no idea how challenging it is, but my first priority will always be God first, and I will always try to treat others the way I would want to be treated. Thanks for your prayers, support and Love. As for the haters... Don't HATE ME cause I AM NOT THE REASON YOUR NOT WITH JB.

God Bless


2010-06-16 @ 10:06:59

    Kom ihåg mig?

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