Category: Bilder | 2013-06-21 | 16:11:00


@carinmorris: That’s right!
@carinmorris: "That’s right!"
@justinbieber: #whatiskey
@justinbieber: "#whatiskey"
@justinbieber: Me and my homies @ryangood24 and @carllentz at lunch talking bout our savior Jesus Christ
@justinbieber: "Me and my homies @ryangood24 and @carllentz at lunch talking bout our savior Jesus Christ"

@justinbieber: "Hahaha"

@djtayjames: "It’s been real vine #weknowthedj"

@justinbieber: "#beliebers #heartbreaker"

@justinbieber: "Heat win"

Justin på Miami Heat game.

@justinbieber: "Lets go heat"

@maejorali: "Game 7"

@lauraa_villar: "Me and Justin are going on our date byeeeee👋😘 love you babe @justinbieber"

@lastkingmm: "@JustinBieber ONLY Ninga DAT can Ride da Hermes Bike @ DA Cribo !!"

@brennax0: "Hanging with Justin"

@bellahirshorn: "my babe 😍👊"
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