Category: Bilder | 2013-06-21 | 16:16:17

Justins nya parfym #whatiskey

“The Key will unlock a personal side of me they’ve never seen before, bringing us closer than ever. I always want my fragrances to send an uplifting and positive message. It’s an amazing way to connect with my fans.”
“The Key means a lot to me as a powerful symbol to believe, and this new fragrance is my message to my fans to always believe in their dreams.”
Source: People

“The Key will unlock a personal side of me they’ve never seen before, bringing us closer than ever. I always want my fragrances to send an uplifting and positive message. It’s an amazing way to connect with my fans.”

“The Key means a lot to me as a powerful symbol to believe, and this new fragrance is my message to my fans to always believe in their dreams.”
Full promotional picture for Justin’s new fragrance!

Postat av: Sandra

hej Justins nya parfym har den kommit till Sverige?

Svar: Nej, det har den inte. Tror även att den inte släppts officiellt ännu. Kram!

2013-06-21 @ 19:03:35

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